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 Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]

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[-Owner Of BettaThanurMS-]

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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptySat Aug 16, 2008 4:23 am

New commands!
AutoMeso Pick up
Fixed Morph's
Normal Players can't use /find to find GM's
Sex Change NPC (9201035- Jacob (Amoria : Amoria) You can change
GM's can see each other in hide
Inventory slots can hold 110 instead of 100
Improved online command! (Lets you see everyone in all channels instead of 1)
Dissalowed players from using vip tele rock to warp to bosses
Morhp Seller, Mount Seller, PCMaple shop (Spindle)
11 Jails

Dragon Evolution - Mar the Fairy
PVP (Map ~ 109020001 OX Quiz *Best Map for PVP*)
Fixed some bugs

Pets *fixed* (you can buy from shop and cashshop)
Wedding v2
Added Show Shops SQL (6)
SQL's are now in source
Added NPC ~ Cloy - Pet Master
Added Mu Lung Pot Shop in SQL's
Finding "FH" Foothold
Nx Hack (AutoBan) *Fixed*
*Fixed* @ Commands don't get logged

Removed Auto Meso Pick up(D/C's when picking up)
Duey is PVP warper
Fixed Hamstring
Added Modify NX
Duplicating Stars Fix
GM's can see each other in hide *Fixed Version*
Auto Register + Auto Login (tut on how to enbale it in SQL files)
*Fixed* PVP (works now)
*Fixed* Duey warps you to PVP Map
Added all sql's that will make your server work
Fixed the Negative exp (@exp Command is kinda useless now)
Added Pet walk ways
Fixed Servermessage
Mia is Skill Maxer
Nana(H) - Nx Shop Seller (look in Shop Sql's)

*Added* !unban command (Details about it below) *Fixed Version*
*Added @pvp5 (tells you the top 5 players of pvp)
*Added* Better @Stat Command
*Added* New Command !sex (ign) (love/diablo/cloud)
*Added* !goto pvp
*Added* All scrolls work for GM's
*Fixed Pets*
*Fixed* a bunch of skills from dcing
*Fixed* CashShop Buff Bug
*Fixed* for pet food
*Fixed* gainfame function (Fame npc should be coco)
*Fixed* Monsters move even if your the only one on the map!!
*Added* Better Spindel
Removed Auto Register (If you want please post you want it)

*Added* Auto Hide and Auto Haste when you log in or cc(GM's only)
*Added* GM CHat (!gmchat - !gmsg) (This is very cool)
*Added* Monster Auto aggro
*Added* !sethp and !setmp
*Added* All scrolls work for GM's, *and they don't take slots*.
*Fixed* Some commands
*Added* Jail NPC *
*Fixed* PVP Warper (Duey)
*Added* @helpwith command
*Added* Auto Register (Exectute the sql's also a tut on how to diable it)
*Added* Auto Congrats notice when you hit level 200
*Added* @commands and !commands
*Fixed* Mar the Fairy (Dragon Evolution person)
*Added* LMPQ (I will fix it more and make it better later)
*Added* @leavepvp
*Added* To change ServerMessage go change it in World.properties (No more Compileing)

*Fix* Mittens now throws arrorws
*Fixed* Meso Magnet and Item Pouch Work
*Fixed* Wing Boots + Binoculars
*Added* !slap command
*Fixed* !killall Gives drops and exp
*Added* !hurt command
*Fixed* @leavepvp ( warps you out of pvp place )
*Fixed* Mia (Max's every skill)
*Fixed* Monster Magnet (if you get glitched while using it its your client)
*Fixed Some bugs
*Added* HappyVille
*Fixed* You can't pick up other peoples items in the chrismas tree area.
*Added* !slap everyone
*Added* Pets save after logging out and they spawn when you relog/cc (run the sql)
*Fixed* Hurricane
*Fixed* Triple Throw and lucky seven
*Added* TONS of new commands
*Added* Mute command*
*Added* the leet command (Also has a channel leet on)
*Added* !save all command (will lag if you have alot of ppl on)
*Added* Auot Hp and Mp for pets (with commands to set hp and mp)
*Added* Updated jail and added a funny npc
*Fixed* Disabled heal in pvp map and fixed some pvp bugs and added higher rate dmg for pvp
*Fixed* Some D/C bugs
*Fixed* AutoRegister is turned off to enable it go to autoregister.java
*Fixed* Some skills (working on Mystic Door)
*Added* the !ap command
*Added* Part of multi pet (full version should come out at 2.3) thanks lefide

Normal Player Commands 2.2:

@str 15 if they want 15 str
@int 192 if they want 192 int
@dex 1 if they want 1 dex
@luk 9 if they want 9 dex

@exp --> (fix's Negative exp)

@rebirth --> (rebirth's you....)

@save --> (Saves your character instead of logging out)

@pvp5 --> (Tells you the top 5 pvp players)

@helpwith --> (Tells you where most stuff is and other helpfull stuff)

@commands --> (Shows you all the @commands)

@leavepvp (Takes you out of pvp map)

@maxskills (Max's skills)

@sethp <amount> (for pet auto hp)

@setmp <amount> (for pet auto mp)

New GM Commands 2.2:

!search *Fixed version* !search <any item, map, anything> (Search's every inventory item or map id)

!saveall (it will lag you like hell if you have alot of players on)

!ap <amount>

!bless <charname>

!haste <charname>

!shadow <charname>

!bird1 <charname>

!bird2 <charname>

!monster <charname>

!healperson <charname>

!mute <charname> 1 or 0 ( 1 turns it on 0 turns it off)

!leeton <charname> (Gives the power of 1337ness)

!leetoff <charname> (takes away the power of 1337ness)

!leetonch (makes the channel 1337)

!leetoffch (turns off the channels 1337ness)

!slapeveryone (Slaps everyone on the map)

!slap <charname. (Lol....)

!hurt <charname> (makes the player you choose have 1hp and 1mp)

!commands (Tells you all the commands for gm's)

!gmchat (enbales and disables gm chat)

!gmsg <message> (Lets you talk to other gm's anywhere in maplestory only gm's can see)

!sethp <amount of hp>

!setmp <amount of mp>

!unban <charname> (Unban's the account the ip and mac ip)


!dcall (dc's everyone)

!spy <charname> (Tells you mesos, stats, ect.... about the character)

!hide <charname> (hides the character like a GM hides)

!mesoperson <charname> <Amount of mesos> (Gives anyone any amount of mesos you want to give them)

!sex (ign) (love/diablo/cloud) (Makes a avatar megaphone to anyone you want

!killmap (Kills everyone in the map)

!face <charname> <emotionid> (change's the person's emotion face)

!healmap (Heal's everyone on the map)

!fame <charname> <newfame> (Change's a person's fame)

!speak <charname <message> (Make anyone talk)


!lolhaha <charname> (Switches Genders)

!setall <number> (Sets all stats to whatever number you would like>

!nxslimes (Spawns 10 nx slimes)

!tip <what do you want to say to each player every 15 minutes>

!skin < 1-5> (Change's your skin color using numbers 1-5)

!dropmesos <amount>

!gmset (Gives you all GM Items)

!worldtrip <charname> (Takes the character on a joy ride around Mapelstory)

Go to Commands

!goto <map name Below>


Monster commands

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[-Admin & Site+Forum Developer-]

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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptySat Aug 16, 2008 4:30 am

Holy .......So much work. Told you you were good at this mate.

Obviously the whole reason u did this update was for this

!slapeveryone (Slaps everyone on the map)

My new fave command.
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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptySat Aug 16, 2008 8:17 pm

Wow, nice work.. I am excited =]]
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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptySat Aug 23, 2008 5:33 am

yay for brandonz coding skillz
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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptySat Aug 23, 2008 5:42 am

yays for all that

now pls make @stats work?  T_T
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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptySat Aug 23, 2008 5:43 am

wow y is my text like that  O_o
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[-Global Moderator-]

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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptySun Aug 24, 2008 2:39 am

~meh~ chek ur settingz under font/keyboard?
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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptyThu Sep 04, 2008 3:56 pm

LOL,pcmaple repack..
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Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] EmptyWed Sep 10, 2008 3:34 am

Jussi? Are You Owner Of JussiMs :3? xD Im Slime If You Are Owner Of JussiMs xD
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again]   Recent Server Updates [Packs have to be done again] Empty

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